020 3627 5556 | 07861 394776 info@theedenschool.com

Little Eden Early Years

Early Years Department caters for little ones between the ages 2 and 5

Little Eden Early Years

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage

This is where our early years and reception classes begin their educational journey. It is called the foundation stage because it offers our little ones a solid foundation, preparing them for future learning and achievement.
Little Eden is truly a home away from home. Our Early Years Department caters for little ones between the ages 2 and 5. We offer a combination of adult-led, focus activities and child-led learning.

Although our aims and objectives are the same as the rest of the school, our EY curriculum is based on practical tasks, first-hand experiences and structured play. It is planned with the child’s holistic development, interests and enthusiasm in mind. Our days are filled with learning through singing, rhyme and dance, using nature and the Bible as a springboard for learning in all subject areas, healthy meals and snacks and lots of water.  Learning is thirsty work!

Day Timing
Monday to Thursday 09:00 am – 03:15 pm
Friday 09:00 am – 12:30 pm

Our Seven Areas of Learning – Curriculum Map


Communication & Language


Personal Social & Emotional Development

Physical Development

Expressive Arts and Design

Understanding the World

Little Eden at a Glance