020 3627 5556 | 07450-462752 info@theedenschool.com

Little Eden Primary

At our primary school, children make progress at their own rates

Little Eden Primary

Our school is a place where we put the children first in all we do and strive to provide the very best possible education for each individual. Our dedicated and experienced staff and governors work hard to ensure that we continuously provide a caring, supportive and safe place for children to learn.  A child’s early years are such an important time in their development and we strive very hard to make their introduction to school a happy and constructive one. As a small church school, we endeavour to ensure that our Christian values permeate through every aspect of school life.

In Key Stage 1, the children are not taught their subjects in isolation.  They learn through a creative curriculum where subjects are inter-linked through topics such as ‘What is it like to live in a fantasy world?’, ‘What were homes like in the past?’ and ‘Why are rainforests important?’. They also read key texts linked to their topic which they explore through drama, art and other subject areas.

The statutory subjects that all pupils are taught at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are: art and design, design and technology, English, geography, history, computing, mathematics, music, physical education, science and a modern foreign language. This year we teach Spanish as our Modern Foreign Language and French in Key Stage 2.

Every child is of equal importance and we strive to ensure that they all feel loved, nurtured and valued.  Here at Eden we also strongly believe that learning doesn’t always take place within the classroom walls, so we have made it a mission of ours to extend learning to as many different places as we can, especially the outdoors. We feel privileged to have responsibility for your child’s learning and treat this with utmost importance.  Every child that enters our school is unique, different and brings something special to Eden.  We look forward to working with both yourself and your daughter or son at Eden.


Day Timing
Monday to Thursday 09:00 am – 03:30 pm
Friday 09:00 am – 12:30 pm

Primary Department at a Glance